Saturday, November 14, 2015

Business Stories - Storytelling for marketing is exploding

From the website comes the statistics of marketing trends for 2015.  The statistic that jumped out at me was "Storytelling has seen a 145% rise with over 142 thousand mentions in 2014."  Those are pretty powerful numbers. I can't verify them for you but I can tell you that I have noticed a jump in mentions of storytelling and the number of people who are becoming "Corporate Storytellers." 

There are all kinds of stories that will work in a business world, future, product development, customer WOWs, product as hero and so many more.  Just a couple of things to keep in mind as you develop your story.  Follow basic story outline, that means there needs to be a conflict and conclusion of some kind.  Keep characters to a minimum, keep facts accurate and the language engaging.  Good luck.  

Monday, March 2, 2015

Business Stories - Why Tell Yours

Jeff Korhan has hit the nail on the head again!  In his weekly newsletter of of 3/2 ( he states the fastest way to build trust with a customer is to tell your story.  Many people feel their story isn't that special and shy away from "burdening" others with it.  In reality the fact that your story is not extraordinary is what makes it work.  It makes it easier for the customer to relate to you.  You are not some mythical business god that can do no wrong.  You are human and susceptible to all the foibles of being human.  

Think about it.  Craft a short story that tells who you are and use it.  If it is short, authentic (please don't lie or embellish) and to the point no one minds listening and it may just be the springboard to trust and better business.  

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Education is Marketing

In Jeff Korhan's  "new media & small business marketing" newsletter (12/22/2014) he stated Education is Marketing.  Brilliant wording to help the reluctant blogger, social media poster etc.  Many times in LinkedIn training while explaining the importance of posting people ask what to post.  Invariably the best answer is information your friends/clients/potential clients need to know about your industry. 

The idea is to create useful content while staying top of mind.  People don't see this as marketing but it is absolutely marketing.  Think of how many times professionals will accept a speaking engagement with the sole purpose of educating the audience and then find their appearance has generated business for themselves. 

Thank you Jeff for stating the obvious so succinctly.  Education is Marketing!