Monday, November 18, 2013

Business Storytelling - Now in the Wall Street Journal

A post in a LinkedIn group had the title,

You know corporate storytelling has been mainstreamed when it's in the Wall Street Journal.

 Well, that certainly is eye catching.  I then read the article about Paul Andrew Smith.  Mr. Smith has written a book, Lead With a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire.  Interesting title and different from other books I've read so far on the topic.  Normally books show how to use a story and when, very few attempt to teach how to craft a story.  

Here is a link to the WSJ article.  I have not read Mr. Smith's book yet so I cannot comment on its effectiveness but there are good tips in the article itself on how to create a compelling business story.!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Business Stories - Stories are for more than just marketing

One of my favorite social media gurus just released a blog post called "Grow Your Business with Story."  The title caught my attention but the first paragraph under the heading Story Gives Your Business Structure sealed it for me.  Here is what blogger Jeff Korhan had to say "Story isn't just a marketing tool. It's equally important for recruiting, securing credit, and for navigating many of the day-to-day activities that can alter the course of the business for better or worse."

He goes on to give an example of a future story.  "Imagine if."  Creating a future story is a great way to get employees excited about change and challenges.  Working together the team/employees and managers can foresee a future that is full of possibilities.  Once the future world is determined a goal has been set and it is easier to create the steps necessary to head towards the goal.  

Think about that the next time you or your business is faced with a challenge.  What would the end result look like if you were successful in over coming the challenge.  Do a little brainstorming and watch the excitement about the project grow.