Friday, May 2, 2008

27th Annual Festival Wrap Up

Well, it always takes me awhile to process the whole weekend of stories but I think I have finally done that. Last weekend was the 27th Annual Connecticut Storytelling Festival. It started as just a one day event of stories and has grown to be 3 days and inlcudes workshops as well as stories.

Saturday morning was a wonderful mix of tales and music. I can't say that I enjoyed all the performances but that is the beauty of the event, wait 10 minutes and the teller changes. Margaret Read MacDonald had one of the most popular workshops, teaching beginning storytelling. Another great "workshop" was the performances of Ann Izard award winning books. The room was overflowing and everyone got what they came for.

Saturday night was a relaxing concert with three masterful tellers. Okay, two masterful ones, I was a bit disappointed in the the third but that is bound to happen from time to time, you can't love everyone.

Next year the festival is the last weekend in April. Jay O'Callahan will be the headliner so mark your calendars and if you're in Connecticut plan on stopping by.

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