Thursday, May 22, 2008

What is Story

Today I was reading a copy of "Fast Company". The article was talking about all the videos on the web and what it takes to have a video. According to the article if you have a story you have a video. We all have stories so I guess we all can have videos.

It made me think though what is a story? A broad definition of story would include videos, movies, music, books, poetry etc. Anecdotes, while not always full blown stories, should be included on this list too. It is this type of story that is most often used in business. Learning from someone else's successes or failures, and seeing your own struggles in others is the essence of the power of story.

Not all storytellers will agree with my definition of story but I think they will all agree with the power behind the tales. Stories make our messages memorable no matter what the format so be sure to incorporate story in your communications.

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