Monday, August 22, 2011

Business Storytelling: Stories for Interviews

Stories are powerful tools for interviewing. They convey information while allowing the teller to be authentic and hopefully the interviewer to be engaged. Recently Michael Lynch, Marketing and Sales Process Expert, posted in a re-employment group on LinkedIn reasons to become a storyteller. With his permission they are below.

Here are the top 10 reasons to become a compelling storyteller...

1. You will be better prepared for interviews.
2. You will be able to answer the "tell me about yourself" question.
3. You are giving your network info that can open doors for you.
4. You will gain public speaking experience.
5. You will make a strong first impression.
6. You will be perceived as a source of information.
7. You can use stories in cover letters.
8. You will become more interesting.
9. You can accentuate why you are unique.
10. You will gain personal confidence.

Posted By Michael Lynch

I couldn't have said it better so I won't. If you are job seeking take Michael's tips to heart and hone your storytelling skills.

1 comment:

Michael Lynch said...

Carol - Thank you for posting this list. It has value for the job seeker looking to stand out in our current economy.