Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Goldilocks on Management

Right after my podcast on storytelling uses in business a friend sent me a book, Goldilocks on Management. I had never heard of the book by Gloria Gilbert Mayer and Thomas Mayer but was excited to see what they had to say. Flipping through the book my excitement increased as a I saw they used many of the same well known tales that I have used to make business points.

I read the introduction, we were on the same page, my excitement grew. Their theories and beliefs were similar to mine. I have not finished the book yet and will update this blog as I read along but my hot start cooled some when I read the first tale in the book, Little Red Riding Hood.

It was not what I had hoped for; it was more of a parody. I prefer to take the tale and find the lesson within it changing little. On an earlier blog posting I gave an example using the Emperor's New Clothes. I guess you might say that I am a bit of a purist and prefer to see the lesson as close to the original as possible. Of course that does not mean my way is the only way or even the best way. The Mayer's book may turn out to be just as powerful. I'll let you know as I read along.

Happily ever After

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