Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Business Storytelling: Quiet but not without story

It has been far too long since my last post. That is not because there is nothing to post but I've been busy creating and living story.

Last week I received a nice email from a colleague. She was traveling to a distant airport in the wee hours of the morning listening to talk radio. Jennifer Weiner, author of "In Her Shoes", was being interviewed. I saw the movie several years ago and recently caught a piece of it again. Jennifer told the story of two sisters with all their baggage, problems and love. You may not like your sister but she is your sister and you can't just stop that relationship. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie I think it is worth the time.

That aside, during the interview Jennifer was asked about the "death" of publishing. Her answer was perfect, "There will always be appetite for story". Story has been around since the beginning and will last as long as there are humans. The form the story is told in (digital, paper, movie, song etc.) really doesn't matter as much as the sharing of the story. I would hate to see the elimination of printed books but I do not fear for the continuance of story.

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