Sunday, January 23, 2011

Business Storytelling: Another's blog perspective

Copywriting Strategist, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero had this to say about business stories, "Stories are wickedly effective in getting attention. They work in conversation. And they work like gangbusters in copy." She is absolutely correct. Savvy marketers have been using stories since the beginning of advertising, we just don't always think of them as stories. Why? Who knows for sure, maybe because we are so used to stories in all aspects of our lives that we don't really notice the process of stories in sales.

Lorrie goes on to give reasons why stories are so powerful in the sales process. Two of her reasons really stood out because I've blogged about them, makes an emotional connection, let's you show how your service or product will erase the pain of your customer. We like to think we are logical in all our purchases but in reality we purchase much of our discretionary goods on emotion, what we want, not what we need.

The second point is important because the good sales person must know the customer's story before offering up a story of his own to solve the problem. Storytelling is as much about listening as it is about telling. In order to tell the right story at the right time you have to listen first.

Think how you can use stories in your business and sales process.

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