Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tell to Win Book Thoughts

Tell to Win by Peter Guber is a must read for anyone who uses stories in business. And if you are in business you should be using stories so it really is a must read for anyone in business.

Each chapter in Tell to Win demonstrates an important story point. Guber first states the point and then tells several stories to reinforce his message. Then at the end of each chapter he lists several ahha bullets from the chapter.

While these summaries can aid research after reading the book I find my highlighting and chapter notes more useful. Is it because we see and need different things from each chapter? Or is it his summaries don't tie to the stories close enough for me and the way I interpreted the story? No matter, by giving the bullets and statements AND the stories Guber has covered different teaching methods thereby speaking to a wider audience then a single method would. Using the different types of stories does the same thing.

As you put together your next presentation or marketing story think about that - use different stories or methods of teaching to convey your message.

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