Monday, March 2, 2015

Business Stories - Why Tell Yours

Jeff Korhan has hit the nail on the head again!  In his weekly newsletter of of 3/2 ( he states the fastest way to build trust with a customer is to tell your story.  Many people feel their story isn't that special and shy away from "burdening" others with it.  In reality the fact that your story is not extraordinary is what makes it work.  It makes it easier for the customer to relate to you.  You are not some mythical business god that can do no wrong.  You are human and susceptible to all the foibles of being human.  

Think about it.  Craft a short story that tells who you are and use it.  If it is short, authentic (please don't lie or embellish) and to the point no one minds listening and it may just be the springboard to trust and better business.  

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