Monday, January 19, 2009

Jokes about Storytellers

The other night I caught the very beginning of a Seinfeld show. In the early days the show always began with a stand up bit from Jerry. In this particular routine Jerry was commenting on some differences between the male and females brains. He was suggesting that it was genetically programmed that men would use the remote and continuously flip through channels, barely stopping long enough to see what was on. Women on the other hand would stop at each channel and check out what the programming was all about.

This got him thinking what life must have been like back in the day when STORYTELLERS were the main form of entertainment. He imagined the King would have 30 different tellers line up, the first would start a story and when the King had heard enough he would yell next and the second would start. The King would continue this rapid fire "next" moving through all the tellers and circling back again. Very Funny!

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