Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Business Storytelling: The Bill Rasmussen Story

This week I read a bit about Bill Rasmussen, the founder of ESPN. Mr. Rasmussen is scheduled to be the featured speaker at a chamber event honoring 30 years of ESPN.

The article evoked happy memories of my time spent at the World Wide Leader in Sports network. The Bill Rasmussen story was well known to employess back then, I hope it still is. As a new employee I was trained by several longer term employess. Often times there would be downtime and we would chat. Invariably the story of how ESPN got its start would come up and the tale of a man with a simple dream would be told.

It seemed everyone knew the story or at least an abbreviated version of it. There was great pride in the telling of the story, engendering loyalty and respect. ESPN rose from first just local sports and the unheard of spelling bee to the undeniable leader in sports news.

What's your company's history. Find and tell it as new employees are onboarded. It will create an instant connection.

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