Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Business Storytelling: Ultimate in Micro

There is a group on LinkedIn that has challenged members to write a story in 6 words. There have been some inspiring words, most reflect the life philosophy of the author.

That got me thinking about the use of micro stories in business. Generally, micro stories would be defined as 500 words or less. In today's fast paced environment everything seems to be abbreviated, sped up. It seems like the micro story is a new invention but then I thought of the best 6 word story I have ever heard and in its native language technically it's only 3 words.

Veni, Vidi, Vici!
I came, I saw, I Conquered!

This micro story purportedly said by Julius Caesar in 47 BC says it all and follows the traditional 3 part story format. The scene setter or opening. The conflict, he saw what he wanted. And of course the resolution. Many times people think stories need to be long and involved, not so. Sometimes shorter is better and in business where distractions are common the micro story is perfect.

Not all your stories need to be only 6 words long but a couple thousand years later we are still quoting Caesar, wouldn't it be great if your corporate story is that memorable and repeatable? Imagine 2000 thousand years from now that people are still telling your story. Keep it short, just do it!

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