Friday, June 27, 2008

All Kinds of Stories

I was reading SpeakernetNews, an online newsletter when I came across the following tidbit from Lynda McDaniel (

Storytelling in promotional materials — Lynda McDaniel

Speakers are great storytellers, but they often forget to use stories in their writing and promotional materials. They know that the stories they tell go straight to the heart. Same is true in writing. Stories tap into our emotions and don’t require the processing that more formal writing does. When you promote yourself, share a story about John, who wrote you after your speech and told you how his life had changed. Or Mary, who contacted you from her new job — thanks, in part, to your motivation. You’ve got success stories that will bring you even more success.

Obviously this is geared towards speakers but the same is true for anyone with promotional materials. And don't limit it to just the written material, those 30 second introductions could become the customer of the week story. Crafted properly, 4 lines in less than 30 seconds can tell the story. People will remember the story, enough stories and people get the whole picture of the services you offer.

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