Monday, June 9, 2008

Stories for Persuassion

Recently I was writing an article for an NSA newsletter and it reminded me of Stephen Denning's book, "The Leader's Guide to Storytelling". One of the gems I found in this book was his description of using story to persuade.

He explains how he went to senior management with an idea and got no where with his facts and stats presentation. He regrouped and tried again with some other members of the senior management team but this time he used stories. Voila, his ideas were accepted and supported.

I made it sound simple and straight forward here; he goes into much more detail but the bottom line is: stories work. And although his explanation is much more involved the process of finding the narrative and crafting it is not. With a little practice everyone can tell a persuassive story.

It does help if you have a telling buddy that you can practice on and get some feedback from. If you need help with that let me know. I wish you the best of luck with your story.

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