Saturday, June 14, 2008

Story as Persuasion

Last night I caught the end of Robin Williams' movie "RV". The character played by Robin Williams was about to lose his job when he was brought into a merger meeting. His co-worker stood to deliver the presentation and began spewing a lot of facts and figures. The principals of the other company asked what was in it for them other than money. The presenter was flummoxed and started sputtering. Williams stood and began to tell a STORY of what the world used to be like and how even just a little bit of the world could be like that again. The end result the smaller company was interested and agreed to more talks. Story persuaded.

Remember that power when you have to deliver a presentation especially if you are looking for buy-in to an idea. Your story may not be as well scripted as Robin's but that's okay, a so-so story told well has the same impact as a great story told in a so-so manner. Learn to craft and tell great stories; you'll be unstoppable!

Need help,

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