Saturday, September 12, 2009

Business Storytelling: Networking with Stories

This past Thursday I attended a networking meeting. There were many familiar faces there but some new "commercials". One that impressed me was an insurance man who normally stands and gives the run down of services and products, very standard.

This week he started by saying that he wanted to share a couple of stories of customers that he helped this past week. He was engaging and informative as we all learned a bit more about the kinds of coverage he delivers and his commitment to servicing his clients. We talked briefly afterwards and I said how much I enjoyed his stories.

He was appreciative saying he had never tried anything like that before but that several people approached him to tell him what a great introduction he had. He thought he may have included a few too many stories and he may be right but he is on the right track by using stories. He received immediate feedback to just how powerful of a technique storytelling is in business.

So what's your 30 second story?

1 comment:

Terri Rains said...

There's a good reason why public speaking gurus have been preaching the use of stories in speech introductions forever... Because they resonate like crazy!