Monday, June 29, 2009

Stories for Fundraising

Some time ago a colleague sent her normal weekly news notes but with a twist. This one time instead of talking about her expertise topic she talked about her grandson's diabetes. She explained his need to test his sugars 4-5 times a day and that now he no longer needs to take insulin shots because of a computerized pump he wears around his waist.

She crafted the short (about 6 lines) story to educate and pluck our heart strings just a bit. Her last line is about the advances made so far to allow the pump but that more are needed so that her grandson can be like other children sneaking chips, or licking the frosting bowl when Ahma is making a cake.

She then had a short plea to get involved with juvenile diabetes and help raise funds for research. Beautiful, she captured our attention with the story, educated us to the need, touched us emotionally and then had a call to action. Great example for any persuassive piece. Don't forget the story but keep it short and engaging.

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