Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The List

I was doing a bit of spring cleaning today and came across a handout I received at a Toastmasters meeting. The excerpt comes from Robert Fulghum's "What on Earth Have I Done". On page 65 he starts a list he calls Conversation Lifeboats. Basically it is a list of opening lines for when you are thrown in with strangers and don't know how to break the ice. A great list for wary networkers.

What I particularly liked was at the end he says "Everybody has a story to tell and a willingness to tell it if asked. Everybody knows things you don't know, but wish you did." Remember this, people are willing to talk but you have to ask and then show a willingness to listen. This goes for those tight lipped teenagers and seniors who seem to sit quietly by. Ask and you shall receive. In this case you may receive some wonderful information, fun and connections to others.

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