Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tell Your Own Story

This past weekend I spent some time with family. My brother-in-law's brother-in-law cornered me. He said, "You're a storyteller, I have a funny story that I bet you will like. If you like it you probably can use it somehow and improve it and tell it even better than I can."

I hear this all the time and then I hear a funny, touching, interesting story. This weekend was no different. The story was quite humorous, told fairly well. Some of it was funny because I know the person and know how out of his comfort zone he was in the story. Some of it was just plain funny no matter who it would have happened to.

I'm sure I can tell the story and get a laugh or two but it definitely will not be the same because it is not my story. You are the best teller of your stories. Others might be able to retell the story but unless they study the story a lot they will miss the emotional connection that you have and that makes it that much more interesting coming from you. Don't give away your story, tell it yourself proudly.

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